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P e r f o r m a n c e 

November 2022

Philadelphia Fringe Arts Festival

The Body Politic

Choreographer: Yao Xu, in collaboration with dancers

Composers: Sepehr Pirasteh and Hannah Selin

Dancers: Yuying Chen, Michaela Delaney Guthrie, Garamh Kim, Ella-Gabriel Mason, Sabrina Miller, Liz Siani, Boram Yi

The Body Politic explores how individuals develop bodily techniques to negotiate with rigid regulations in totalitarian social environments. We question how highly concentrated power trickles down to private life and how tactics such as coercion, isolation, and fear-mongering affect the ways the physical bodies occupy time and space. This work features original music composed by award-winning composers Hannah Selin and Sepehr Pirasteh. The music incorporates recorded voices from political prisoners in Sepehr's home country, Iran, as well as clips from US President Eisenhower's 1961 farewell address. Woven together with synthesized and acoustic percussion sounds, the music oscillates between violence and stillness, pushing the boundary between technology and nature.

July 2018

6th Annual Somatic Conference


Choreographed and performed by Garamh Kim and Jeeseon Chung

This is the story of how two different people come together and share the presence in the same space. It describes the process of penetration of each other's uniqueness revealing the interconnection created through the interaction. It also illustrates the journey to find harmony with each other. 
This dance expresses the appreciation for each other’s existence. We began the process by discovering our values and emotions. We searched for the ways to highlight the unison in movements as we completed each other’s movement sentences. 
As future dance educators, we wanted to embed the importance of dance education to learn to accept and value the differences by sharing one’s thoughts and emotions through moving together. It is a conversation of the two dancers sharing their dreams to each other and to the world.

May 2013

Graduation Performance

Love, Love, Love

Choreographed and performed by Garamh Kim

March 2010

Seasonal Performance


Choreographed and performed by Garamh Kim, Jisuk Lee, Yusang Gweon.

March 2011

Seasonal Performance

The Story

Choreographed and performed by Garamh Kim, Jihee Choi, Dongha Kim, Yusang Gweon, Narae Lee

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